Universal tactical shoulder straps discharge system "Lightweight v.3" for tactical vest olive green khaki color by Splav

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Simple H-shaped shoulder straps with 4 vertical straps for handling suspension and seat belts. The third generation of the straps has a number of improvements based on user feedback
• Simple design of lines, low weight and dimensions
• The straps have a slim profile in the back and shoulders without any protruding elements hard, and all hardware is located near the suspended belt. As a result, the straps comfortable to wear under the straps other equipment (backpacks, bibs, vests, etc.), and under body armor. Not suitable for use as a trouser suspenders!
• It is recommended to use when not required to carry much weight
• Very simple design of the sling provides high reliability
• Front strap equipped with cells PALS (sewn entirely to each other without spacing) for attaching pouches odnoklipsovyh systems PALS and ALICE
• The length of each sling is adjusted by means of two double-slotted buckles Duraflex®. Extra fold the ends of lines and hide under the ring of gum. The ends of the lines are cut off at an angle for ease of threading the buckle in
• The wide part of the shoulder straps made of 60 mm nylon slings, duplicated on the reverse grid Airmesh Coolmax® for softness and ventilation. The edges of the straps edged. The straps do not rub, even when worn on fine linen
• The back is made of two layers of fabric Cordura® 500d. In her sewn sling with horizontal slots for suspension hydrator (4 or 5 cells in width PALS)
• Includes 4 removable adapters for hanging belts with Velcro adjustment (when most of the underside of the belt trimmed with Velcro loop). The adapter does not slide along the belt straps, firmly fixing them on the spot. The adapter consists of a piece of Velcro hook (facing towards the belt), cross-linked with a piece of Velcro loops (facing the body), it is put on the sling loop that covers the belt from the inner side of the belt (see. Explanatory picture in the catalog)
Belt universal "Nemesis-5"
Belt universal RPM / backpack
Strap US
Strap Universal 50mm
Belt Universal v.2

• Straps: 100% nylon
• Threads: Liberty® (Netherlands), nylon filament bondirovannye
• Material: Cordura® 500d (100% nylon)
• Accessories: Duraflex®
• Velcro: Alfatex® (Belgium)
• Weight: 208 g


SKU: Universal tactical shoulder straps discharge system "Lightweight v.3" for tactical vest olive green khaki color
List price: $0.00
Price: $34.00